With my photography I love to capture the beauty of nature that is all around us. If I can inspire someone to stop for a second and appreciate it, then I hope there will be one more person who will want to protect and preserve it.

All Photographs


Modified 25-Oct-23

Ecuador 2017

Modified 13-May-22
Ecuador 2017

Recently Added

Modified 9-Apr-24
Recently Added

Song Birds and others

Modified 30-Jan-24
Song Birds and others

Birds of Prey

Modified 7-Nov-24
Birds of Prey


Modified 30-Jan-24

Butterflies and Bugs

Modified 30-Jan-24
Butterflies and Bugs

Flowers and Plants

Modified 30-Jan-24
Flowers and Plants


Modified 29-Apr-23

Backroads and Countryside

Modified 7-Nov-24
Backroads and Countryside

Natural Lands Green Hills Preserve

Modified 30-Jan-24
Natural Lands Green Hills Preserve

The Great Marsh

Modified 5-Nov-24
The Great Marsh


Modified 25-Dec-24

French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust

Modified 7-Nov-24
French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust

Natural Lands

Modified 30-Jan-24
Natural Lands

Brandywine Conservancy

Modified 24-Aug-21

Longwood Gardens Meadow project

Modified 2-Apr-14
Longwood Gardens Meadow project

Shawn and Christine

Modified 20-May-19

Jody & Ken

Modified 20-Jun-18

Kasey & Cory

Modified 7-Oct-19
Kasey & Cory

Ben and Nicole

Modified 18-Feb-23

Austin and Katelyn

Modified 5-Sep-22

Matt and Gabrielle

Modified 4-Dec-23
Matt and Gabrielle
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